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Date: Thursday September 26, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: 1885 Chancellor Dr. (Waverley Site)


1- Call to order

2- Land acknowledgement and welcome

3- Housekeeping regarding motions and protocol

4- Approval of the AGM Agenda

5- Remarks by elected officials (tentative)

6- Approval of last year’s AGM minutes

7- Community Centre overview (GCWCC – tentative)

8- President’s Report

9- Future capital projects and re-envisioning of facilities (City of Winnipeg – tentative)

10- Treasurer’s Report (Independent Auditor)

11- Committee/Sport Directors’ Reports

12- Any other business

13- Nominating Committee Report

14- Election of Board of Directors

15- Open Mic/Questions from the community

16- Adjournment

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